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Can You Help With Disputes With Sellers?

Micro Sites |  ClubPay Services |  FAQs |  Can You Help With Disputes With Sellers?

The short answer is 'no' - we are sympathetic but you must pursue any disputes with the organisation to whom you made the payment.

You are the buyer, the organisation to whom you made the payment is the seller and any disputes must be resolved between buyer and seller. ClubPay simply makes a facility available to subscribing organisations for the benefit and convenience of its members & customers. ClubPay facilitated the payment, but we didn't actually sell anything to anyone, other than the payment service. This is made clear in our Terms & Conditions.

We do our best to make sure that all subscribing organisations are bona fide and we would strongly suggest that all customers of this site check with their Clubs and Schools prior to making any payments. Please also check in instances where you have any concerns about the validity of the micro-site you are about to use. Given the nature of the site, we don't anticipate problems with fraud, but you can't be too careful.

Where a subscribing organisation is in regular dispute with its customers, we may elect to suspend their services pending an investigation. We reserve the right to cancel subscriptions where a subscribing organisation is engaging in questionable practices.

If the payment process itself is at fault - problems with debiting your card that are the result of a fault or failure of ClubPay - we will most certainly get them sorted out. (Please see 'Can You Help With Payment Problems?')

Micro Sites |  ClubPay Services |  FAQs |  Can You Help With Disputes With Sellers?

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